New Reality Masterclass 28 Day Challenge

Are You Falling Out of Higher Timelines and Tired of the Fluctuations?

Change Your Reality TODAY!

28 Days To A Life You Love

(Without fear of making the wrong choice again!)

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You've been unknowingly sabotaging the higher timeline you want to stay in by missing one crucial element—uncover the secrets I’ve been using since I was a teenager to consistently shift my timeline and build the life I love.

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This 4-WEEK

 Program, You’ll Learn:

Secret #1

The Fundamental Element You've Overlooked and say goodbye to the frustration of missed chances and the anxiety of making the wrong choice again.

Secret #2

How To Unveil the Hidden Influence that's currently shaping your reality and redirect its power in a new and elevated way! 

Secret #3

Master the Silent Driver of Your Destiny and use the Unseen Principle that overrides the fluctuation period to rapidly power up your dream reality.

Full Access For Life $347!

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Signs That You May Have Fallen Out Of
The Timeline You Truly Desire:

  • You are exhausted from the highs and lows of what feels like living 2 different realities.
  • You are finally manifesting opportunities but now you are fearful of making wrong decisions.
  • Your life is filling back up with obligations that drain your energy, leaving little room for joy and personal growth.
  • In one moment you were in the flow and now you feel like it's all falling apart.
  • There is a growing feeling of disconnection or lack of clarity to what you thought you wanted.
  • You're finding that old or negative habits and patterns that you thought you broke free of are rearing their heads again.
  • Your relationships and/or career feel misaligned, causing dissatisfaction and restlessness.
  • You are unable to envision a clear path forward, feeling lost and uncertain about your future.
  • You struggle with self-doubt and limiting beliefs that keep you in a looped reality you can't escape.
  • Or you feel an urgent need for change, but don’t know where to start or what to do next.

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What's Included...


4 Weekly Group Meetups via Zoom:

Get all of my secrets and tools to live your dream life (recordings available 4 life).

Practical Exercises & Guided Meditations:

Deepen your discovery and implement powerful and lasting change.

A 28-Day Challenge:

Match your inner world with your desired reality, then sustain and elevate that reality continuously.

Online Community:

Foster new friendships & networks of support and connection to hold you accountable.


JUNE 20TH, 2024









The Power of the SUMMER SOLSTICE!

Why Summer Solstice

When the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, it symbolizes peak energy, illumination, and the triumph of light over darkness. In many shamanic traditions, the Summer Solstice offers us a powerful opportunity to release old patterns, set intentions, and welcome new beginnings.

Amplified Energy

The solstice is a time of peak solar energy, which can be harnessed to amplify your intentions and actions. This heightened energy supports deeper introspection, clearer insights, and stronger commitment to your goals.

Peak Potential

Your focused intentions during this time can influence the quantum field, collapsing possibilities into your desired outcomes. The heightened energy of the solstice can make your intentions more powerful and effective.

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Full Moon in Capricorn

As the Full Moon graces the sign of Capricorn, it brings with it a sense of unwavering determination and steadfast commitment. Capricorn, known for its disciplined and focused energy, urges us to set ambitious goals and pursue them with dedication and perseverance.

For those enrolled in my 28 Days To The Life You Love program, the Full Moon in Capricorn serves as a catalyst for accelerated growth and manifestation. Here’s how:

Amplifying Your Commitment:

  • Solidifying Intentions: We'll use the Full Moon energy to solidify your intentions for the program. 
  • Amplifying Focus and Clarity: The Full Moon in Capricorn will enhance your focus, enabling you to see the bigger picture and prioritize your actions more effectively.
  • Manifesting Your Desired Reality: With heightened commitment and clarity, you’ll be better equipped to manifest your desired reality much faster.
  • Strengthening Determination: Capricorn’s influence instills a sense of resilience and determination, ensuring that you stay the course even in the face of challenges. 

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Meet Your Presenter

Nicole Frolick

Nicole Frolick is a practical mystic, experienced in intuitive life coaching, inner child healing, and the reclamation of one’s Secret Self. With over 25 years of experience in the realm of healing the mind, body, and soul connections, Nicole uses ceremonial and intuitive methods through unique meditative experiences, guiding her clients through the shadows of their pain so they may emerge as their most authentic self on the greatest path to their destiny.

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